Metro Exodus is a game that I can understand that there will be people who are not going to enjoy it. It’s a series that has a very unique feel and pacing and I can see why some people may find the series boring. Metro Exodus ticks all the right boxes for me as a Metro title while also evolving the core concepts the series is based on.
Apex Legends
Apex Legends is a Free-to-Play Battle Royale game from Respawn Entertainment that was essentially announced and released on the same day and was also noted as being a spin-off of the Titanfall series. Taking place some 30 years after the events of the stunning Titanfall 2. Apex Legends also happens to be the best Battle Royale game on the market, bar none.
Kingdom Hearts 3
For fans of the series, especially those that have consumed each of the near dozen Kingdom Hearts games, Kingdom Hearts 3 is a celebration of the series, a culmination of nearly every plot thread the series has left untold. For newcomers, it can often be confusing in knowing who is who and the overall narrative at play, often having to sit through story recap videos or having your friends get you up to speed, or at least, attempt to.
Resident Evil 2
With a heavy emphasis on intense gore and moody atmosphere, the remake of Resident Evil 2 is more horrifying than its ever been. While there is much of the original’s DNA here to satisfy those who grew up playing the now 21-year-old classic, Capcom has made some significant changes to make it feel like a completely new experience