E3 : Day One

Summer Game Fest

Summer Game Fest kicked off E3 with a few big announcements. From 2B joining Fall Guys, Death Stranding getting a Director’s cut, Evil Dead gameplay, to the world premiere trailer for gameplay from the much anticipated Elden Ring. Here are links to their respective trailers, and the whole presentation below with Day of the Dev’s included as well.

Guerrilla Collective

The Guerrilla Collective showed off so many games that it is mind-boggling, to say the least. Here are links to many of their individual trailers, if available, plus the videos of each of their live streams across both days. Some stand-outs for sure are Batora: Lost Haven, Sable, Ultra Age, and Aragami 2.

… as well as a whole lot more via the Wholesome direct! Check them out below in Day 2 of the Guerrilla Collective

Ubisoft Forward

While Ubisoft didn’t have many big hitters announced, likely due to Covid affecting a lot of releases, we did get a fairly decent showing, and likely one of the only E3’s in recent memory to not feature a new Just Dance game. Here is what was announced with links to their respective trailers, with the whole presentation video to follow!

Devolver Digital

Back with another spoof take on the gaming industry, Devolver set their sights on the premium service pass programs and even called attention to their showing today as the Devolver Digital Forwarder, spoofy Ubisoft. From the very interesting Trek to Yomi, to a game that might have already stolen E3 in Death’s Door, here is what was announced!


So… Gearbox didn’t really show off too much. It was largely Randy Pitchford awkwardy going through some behind the scenes stuff about the Borderlands movie without really showing us much about the Borderlands movie. While not as much of a travesty as the Koch Media presentation, it was close.

Koch Media

What might go down in history as the most boring E3 presentation of all time, a few games were announced between the 10-15 minute dev Q&A’s, and here they are:

Tribecca Games Festival

Tribecca showed off some very impressive games, especially the much anticipated Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Here is what was announced!