The Alters Challenges Players To Consider Many of Life’s ‘What If’ Scenarios in Compelling New Trailer!

Many people often ponder, "What if I had chosen differently? What if I had seized another opportunity or followed an alternate path instead of the one I took?" This omnipresent question is often central to our lives. Along his thought-provoking journey in 11 bit studios’ upcoming sci-fi game, The Alters, protagonist Jan Dolski will discover concrete answers to many of his very own ‘what ifs’ of life.

Those answers will come in the form of the alters, his embodied alternative personalities. While he shares many physical features and certain memories—both pleasant and unpleasant—with them, other aspects of their lives vary greatly. These differences lead to some alters being more confident, happier, or more fulfilled than Jan or the other alters. Additionally, each alter may possess distinct skills the others lack, which will be necessary to operate and maintain a stranded circular base. After unexpected mission complications, Jan seeks their help, even though many may not comprehend how he could be so cruel to bring them to life only to inform them of the grave danger they all face.

Stranded on a planet with a deadly, scorching sun that necessitates constant relocation of the mobile base he lives in, and with the data of all deceased crew members missing from the base’s onboard Quantum Computer after a crash landing, Jan is left with no options. Upon discovering an eerie resource called Rapidium, he must alter pivotal decisions that shaped his life—such as whether to leave for university or stay in his hometown to care for his sick mother—and confront the consequences, all in an effort to save all of his lives.

The Alters will launch later this year for Windows 11 PC and consoles. The game will also be coming to both PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass upon its release.